AI’s Billion-Dollar Bet Faces a Hidden Threat: Limited Data Storage Space
Investing in next-generation storage is essential to assure that billions already invested in AI are not being squandered by the lack of available storage.
Cerabyte is a game changer in data storage – minimizing electronic waste and reducing the energy consumption of data centers worldwide.
Today data is kept for decades but stored on memory media, which need replacement every 5 years. This causes more than one megaton of electronic waste dumped every year. Cerabyte is 100% recyclable.
Let's use the energy of dozens of power plants for something more meaningful than just for preventing data from disappearing. If we don't act now, by 2030, 2% of global electricity will be used for data storage alone.
Cerabyte does not require energy to store data, thus saving 2% of global electricity or 250 megatons of global CO2 emissions by 2030. This will be one further step on the way to climate neutrality.
Reliably passing on information to the next generations enabled by Cerabyte.
Our children will have videos that we took of them as toddlers and they will keep them for a lifetime – and eventually pass them on to their own children.
Data which will exist for a century – safely stored on Cerabyte.
Cerabyte GmbH
Rundfunkplatz 2
80335 Munich
Cerabyte GmbH
Technical University Vienna
Photonic Technologies Laboratory
Franz Grill Strasse 9
1030 Vienna
Cerabyte, Inc.
2445 Augustine Dr #150
Santa Clara
CA 95054
Cerabyte, Inc.
2840 Wilderness Place, Unit C
CO 80301